Delaware Broadband Office Logo

Welcome to Delaware Challenge Process Portal!

You can use this page to monitor the progress of and participate in Delaware's administration of the Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment (BEAD) Program's "Challenge Process." The Challenge Process is a method by which the Delaware Broadband Office will refine its list of addresses in Delaware that do not have access to high-speed internet.

Click "Register Now" to register to participate in the challenge process. Note: Federal guidance limits participation in the challenge process to internet service providers, local governments, and non-profit organizations. Individual constituents cannot participate in the challenge process. If you are an individual resident of Delaware, do not have access to high-speed internet, and would like to check to see if your address is part of the BEAD program, please email


Register Now

All Non-Profits, Tribal Governments, Local Governments, and Broadband Service Providers can and should participate in the challenge process!


Always Transparent

The challenge process is the foundation behind ensuring the map that directs the broadband funding is as accurate as possible. Access the map, track changes, and make sure you are represented.
